Blind Arduino Project - A community of Blind hobbyists using the popular Arduino microcontroller platform to build electronics. Has a blog and a mailing list.
Blind Electronics Wiki - Great collection of safety, approaches to learning, soldering techniques, and breadboarding by a Blind hobbyist.
Raspberry VI - This site offers a wealth of information about using a Raspberry Pi computer with a vision impairment. There is also a mailing list and the mailing list archive includes a lot of helpful discussions, some of which go beyond the Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry VI blog - This blog gets special mention because it’s full of useful articles on electronics fundamentals. It includes accessible descriptions of common chips and prototype boards, an article on soldering, and a USB multimeter tutorial.
Smith-Kettlewell Technical File - A collection of articles on electronics by and for Blind people, from the 1980s and early 1990s. Some of the projects will be outdated given the huge advances in available components, but the basic circuits and fundamental skills will still be useful.
Blind soldering panel - A video of speakers discussion strategies for teaching and learning to solder without vision.
Beginner’s guide to hobby robotics from the Blind Arduino blog
[Design of a talking module for UT61E multimeter]( This was built by a blind hobbyist and has a fully accessible circuit description.
Ham radio
- - Includes equipment reviews and audio versions of learning materials
3D Printing
3D model selection, design and printing by people who are blind or have low vision - Some tips on finding models, creating models, and using a 3D printer.
OpenSCAD Lessons for Blind Students - By Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Blind Reddit user describes their AI-based 3D printing workflow
Prowadnica Foundation forum post - A polish charity by and for Blind people that uses 3D printing. Their post offers inspiration for things to print, not much technical advice. They also have a collection of tactile models on Printables.
Making Nonvisually - Research on instructing Blind makers
Tactile Design for Accessibility - A video talk, includes a section on schematics as well as general principles
AccessibleCircuits: Adaptive Add-On Circuit Components for People with Blindness or Low Vision
Depicting Web images for the blind and visually impaired - A prototype process was developed to translate Web graph and map images into 3D printed models to give the blind and visually impaired access to voting and election data.
shapeCAD: An Accessible 3D Modelling Workflow for the Blind and Visually-Impaired Via 2.5D Shape Displays - This uses a custom designed electromechanicl pin display. The hardware is open source although it looks quite expensive and complex to build.
TDraw: A Computer-based Tactile Drawing Tool for Blind People
Woodworking for the Blind - Great community and collection of articles
Raspberry Pi Resources For Blind Users - Forum thread
- - A guide for blind people to create graphics by hand, coding them in SVG.
Blind makers mailing list - Not affiliated with this website but all the interests overlap.
Independence Science - Makers of talking laboratory test equipment. Most of their offerings seem to be in the institutional, rather than hobbyist price range.