This page was generated from an open-source design by DutchBrewer. You can find the original project here, and read the license here.

PWM Speed Controller

This is a low cost project is based on the Dial-a-Speed design. This is a pulse-width modulation (PWM) speed controller, using a 555 timer IC wired in astable mode to control an N-channel power-enhancement MOSFET that actually switches the motor on and off. This circuit is cleverly designed to offer a wide range of control, and can produce square waves with duty cycles ranging from less than 5% to more than 95%, depending on where you set the dial.

I originally built the design exactly as shown in the Make article however I found all of the jumpers required on the board left the design rather messy. I opted to design a board for this project so I could just solder on the components and forget about all of the jumper wires.I am using the PWM to control the speed of a small DC motor that spins a magnet for a stir plate.


The schematic for this design can be seen in the Make Magazine Dial a Speed article, and the background details of the circuit can be found on the Dallas Personal Robotics Group page.


Parts list: (a slightly modified list from the Make Article)


  1. Procure circuit board
  2. Procure components
  3. Solder components to PCB
  4. Connect J1 to 5-12 VDC Power Supply
  5. Connect J2 to  Load (DC motor, LED, etc)
  6. Connect potentiometer (R1) to J3 and J4
  7. Adjust potentiometer to enjoy variable speed intensity ect.

Bill of materials

Components Part Part count
D3, D1, D2 Rectifier Diode 3
U1 555 Timer 1
R1 Resistor (resistance 10kΩ, power 0.25W) 1
C1 Electrolytic Capacitor (capacitance 0.1mF, voltage 35V) 1
Q1 Basic FET N-Channel 1
R2 Rotary Potentiometer (Large) (maximum resistance 100kΩ) 1
J1, J2, J3 Screw terminal (part number 276-1388, pins 2, pin spacing 5.0mm) 3
J4 Screw terminal (part number 276-1388, pins 2, pin spacing 5.0mm) 1
C2 Ceramic Capacitor (capacitance 100nF, voltage 50V) 1
C3 Ceramic Capacitor (capacitance 100 nF, voltage 50V) 1

Connected nets

All points in a row of the nets table are connected by wires.
Circuit node Connected pins
Net 1
Net 2
Net 3
Net 4
Net 5
Net 6
Net 7
Net 8
Net 9

Detailed part info

Rectifier Diode

A standard rectifier diode

555 Timer

The classic 555 general purpose timer/oscillator.

Pin descriptions

Pin Description
4 Reset
5 Control Voltage
6 Threshold
7 Discharge
8 +Vcc Supply Voltage
1 Ground
2 Trigger
3 Output

Resistor (resistance 10kΩ, power 0.25W)

A generic resistor (0.25W)

Electrolytic Capacitor (capacitance 0.1mF, voltage 35V)

A generic capacitor

Basic FET N-Channel

A MOSFET N-Channel Transistor

Rotary Potentiometer (Large) (maximum resistance 100kΩ)

A rotary adjustable resistor (potentiometer).

Pin descriptions

Pin Description
1 leg1
wiper wiper
2 leg2

Screw terminal (part number 276-1388, pins 2, pin spacing 5.0mm)

Generic screw terminal

Screw terminal (part number 276-1388, pins 2, pin spacing 5.0mm)

Generic screw terminal

Ceramic Capacitor (capacitance 100nF, voltage 50V)

A generic capacitor

Ceramic Capacitor (capacitance 100 nF, voltage 50V)

A generic capacitor