This page was generated from an open-source design by capnregex. You can find the original project here, and read the license here. Breadboard Wee Blinky A Breadboard version of Dale Wheat's Wee Blinky. Wee Blinky on a Breadboard Simple project to illustrate an application for a Resistor Capacitor charge discharge curve along with a switch mode application of transistors in an astable flipflop configuration. Bill of materials Components Part Part count R1, R2 Resistor (resistance 1kΩ, power 0. full article
This page was generated from an open-source design by DutchBrewer. You can find the original project here, and read the license here. PWM Speed Controller This is a low cost project is based on the Dial-a-Speed design. This is a pulse-width modulation (PWM) speed controller, using a 555 timer IC wired in astable mode to control an N-channel power-enhancement MOSFET that actually switches the motor on and off. This circuit is cleverly designed to offer a wide range of control, and can produce square waves with duty cycles ranging from less than 5% to more than 95%, depending on where you set the dial. full article
This page was generated from an open-source design by rcj4747. You can find the original project here, and read the license here. Atari Punk Console with CV inputs Control Voltage (CV) inputs for experimentation with sequencers Here is an Atari Punk Console with control voltage (CV) inputs. The CV inputs could be driven by 4017-based sequencers. VR1 is a, Audio 100k potentiometer. VR2 and VR3 are 500k Linear potentiometers full article