Introducing the BrailleBit - a simple Braille cell for Arduino projects
For months I’ve been carefully refining a mechanical Braille cell project, and it’s now ready for you to build. Say hello to the BrailleBit!
This project has very modest goals:
- Provide a single cell of standard-size Braille output
- Be very simple to assemble by Blind or sighted people
- Be made of cheap parts
- Be easy to control with Arduino or other microcontrollers
The BrailleBit accomplishes those goals by relying on three 3D printed parts and a small hobby servo. Columns of Braille dots protrude from the wall of a drum that is rotated by the servo, so that different combinations of dots appear in a small window. These dots are extra tall, so the configuration can be felt by pressing one’s finger against the window.
The full description, 3D models, Arduino code, and assembly instructions can be found on the BrailleBit GitHub page.
by Troy